
EZTV em Baixo

Alguns de vocês devem ter reparado que o site EZTV tem estado "em baixo" nos últimos dias.
Como este site é um dos mais populares para quem descarrega programas de TV e séries via bit torrent, seria apenas lógico pensar que estariam a ser alvo de algum "ataque" por parte das entidades ditas "anti-pirataria".
No entanto, não há motivos para preocupações, são apenas problemas técnicos.

Eis as últimas informações sobre o estado do site:

EZTV Website down due to hardware issues, we are looking into the matter.

*update* (06/30/09)
Talk about news! With TPB changing ownership and all that crazy kind
of stuff, we are deciding to move our servers to a different datacenter.
What does this means to you guys? Unfortunately it means there will be
a few more days of downtime while we get our servers transfered
to the new location. We seem to be having the best of luck lately!
We are still releasing shows which you can find in the links below.
Thanks to bt-chat.com for the temp webspace to host these notices.
- NovaKing

*update* (06/28/09)
Our main server is down and is in process of being fixed.
We are still releasing shows and you can find them in the links below.
Sorry about this hiccup, we do apologise for this and hope to be back and
fully operational soon.
- NovaKing

*update* (06/29/09)
We have taken this downtime period to do some updates to the website
and the server. To everyone that have been coming up with theories
about what happened, you are all wrong :)
We have not been raided, there is no legal concerns, it is simply
a bad situation that we are hoping to benefit from.
We hope to be back up and operational soon.
- NovaKing

Useful links while we are down:
EZTV @ twitter
EZTV @ thepiratebay
EZTV @ mininova
EZTV @ bt-chat
EZTV @ zoink

2 comentários:

  1. mas estamos em janeiro e o site ainda esta off
    Tem alguma previsão ??

  2. O site deixou novamente de funcionar por altura do Natal, o responsável disse que foram problemas de hardware no servidor e que estavam a resolver o assunto. Esperemos que não demore muito.
