
O Google no Twitter

Se são adeptos do Twitter e querem estar ao corrente de tudo o que o Google faz, então preparem-se para adicionar... não um... nem dez... nem sequer 20 novos "amigos" à vossa timeline... mas sim mais de 45 contas de Twitter que o Google tem para os seus variados serviços.

Contas como:
twitter.com/Google - our central account
twitter.com/Blogger - for Blogger fans
twitter.com/GoogleCalendar - user tips & updates
twitter.com/GoogleStudents - news of interest to students using Google
twitter.com/YouTube - for YouTube fans

twitter.com/SketchUp - Google SketchUp news
twitter.com/GoogleMaps - uses, tips, mashups
twitter.com/GoogleSkyMap -Android app for the night sky

twitter.com/AdSense - for online publishers

Developer & technical
twitter.com/GoogleResearch - from our research scientists
twitter.com/GoogleWMC - Google Webmaster Central
twitter.com/GoogleCode - latest updates for Google developer products
twitter.com/GoogleData - Data APIs provide a standard protocol for reading and writing web data
twitter.com/app_engine - web apps run on Google infrastructure
twitter.com/DataLiberation - our initiative for complete import/export of all data
twitter.com/GoogleMapsAPI - about using Google Maps embedded in websites
twitter.com/GoogleIO - Google's largest annual developer event

E muitas outras...

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